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Now compatible with emojis Unicode 15.1

Version 2.1 (Godot 4.x):

This addon provides the following nodes to use emojis in Godot:

  • EmojiIcon: A node that displays an Emoji.
  • EmojiButton: A node that displays an Emoji as a button.

Version 2.x is rewritten to give you access to EmojisDB singleton for easier use of emojis anywhere in your project.

It’s also adds EmojiFinder to the Godot’s Project > Tools menu. So you can find the emojis easily.

EmojiFinder Screen Shot

Using it with RichTextLabel

This is the example code of using emojis in RichTextLabel:

@tool extends RichTextLabel  @export_multiline var text_with_emojis: String:     set(value):         if !is_node_ready():             return          text_with_emojis = value         bbcode_enabled = true         text = EmojisDB.parse_emojis(value)          get: return text_with_emojis  func _ready() -> void:     if !Engine.is_editor_hint():         bbcode_enabled = true         text = EmojisDB.parse_emojis(text_with_emojis) 

This is the result of the above code:

RichTextLabel Example Screen Shot


For emojis to work in exported projects, you need add *.json files to include files settings: include files settings


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