Rakugo Project Devlog #9: Rakugo Core 1.1, Visual Novel Kit 1.0-beta.1, and Adventure Kit progress

Hi everyone, here is the 9th devlog of Rakugo Project. We are here with new release of Rakugo Core that fixes some bugs and adds some new features. Also we have released first beta of Visual Novel Kit, and we are start working on Adventure Kit.

Rakugo Core 1.1

This release fixes some bugs and adds some new features that we discover are needed working on Adventure Kit.

Major Updates

  • Finally Removed Settings.gd by @Jeremi360 in #144
  • fix few bugs that #143 caused by @Jeremi360 in #144

Removed Settings

We don’t longer need Settings.gd, because it is handled by every kit, by its Kit singleton.

Fixed Bugs

  • fix bug in RakuScriptDialogue by @Jeremi360 in #143
  • small improvements for characters by @Jeremi360 in #143

Fix RakuScriptDialogue bug

When we released v1.0 there was some disagreement by which the RakuScriptDialogue node was not updated to work with the changes that happened in v1.0 this version fixes it. Thanks to this RakuScriptDialogue also gains 2 new features:

  • export var starting_label_name
  • func start_dialogue_from_label(label_name : String)

Improvements for Characters

In past month I start working on Adventure Kit, I discover that there is some missing funcs for characters that can be really useful:

  • Rakugo.character_exists(character_name : String) -> bool
  • Rakugo.set_character_variable(character_tag: String, var_name: String, value)

First beta of Visual Novel Kit

Visual Novel Kit is almost ready for use there are only bugs with Setting and Save/Load game UI. So it is good enough to release it as beta, so you can start using it easy. There was those installation instructions for Visual Novel Kit, but they don’t work anymore. We made change to use submodules for kits cores so it easier for us to bring fixes from one kit to another. Those changes broke previous way of installation. So we finally made it as just a zip to download.

As this is initial release, so there is to many changes to list here, but you can read changelog here

Adventure Kit

In past month I start working on Adventure Kit, which will provide some features for point&click adventure games. Features already implemented:

  • Cursor singleton - support for hardware animated mouse cursor easy to edit as just a scene
  • UI dialogue like in adventure games
  • Region2D - node for easy creating clickable 2D areas
  • AdventureCharacter2D - node with already implemented mouse navigation using new godot 3.5 navigation system
  • StaticAdventureCharacter2D - node for creating static characters
  • ZScaler2D - node for scaling characters in base on theirs position - pseudo 3D effect

We also work on little example project for Adventure Kit, so you can see how it works.

Here is repo for (Adventure Kit)[https://github.com/rakugoteam/AdventureKit] if you want to help me with it.

We want to know your opinion

We have few ideas of our own for this scripting language, but we need your opinion, as we are not sure if we should implement them or not. Go here to talk with us about them


Rakugo Kits
Jul 27, 2022

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